Friday, September 10, 2010

OMG - Computer Forensics

This class is going to be great. Professor Liles drove home many of the requirements that appeared in the text chapters but somehow lost because they were just words on the page. Hearing him repeat the requirements and then back them up with real life experiences and examples made them sink into this thick skull of mine. Some days I wonder if I will truly get this information. I sit in class and my mind wanders to "how much more effective would this class be if I was like most of the other students in the class" They are underclassmen who are in their senior year of school - about to get their Bachelors degree.

These students have the luxury of just having some classes that I have not had ever but have learned most on my own through the life of a working LAN Administrator yet, I question my abilities. I know that I know this stuff, I just feel like I might have known more if I was in there shoes. Having being in their shoes over 15 years ago - I could not wait to get out of the classroom and into the work force. I was not thinking about a Masters degree. Then again, had I wanted a Master's degree immediately after my Bachelors - I would have had to obtain it from Purdue Lafayette and it still would not have included the classes I am currently taking.

Technology has changed so much and continues to change. I now have to figure out three topics in which I have to produce a research paper on by the end of the semester. One topic has to be in the Command Central arena for my Database Modeling class, One on Computer Forensic topic, and I believe the other has to be something to do with Quality Control and Productivity in Industry. I am not sure on the last one. Guess it is a good time to re-read my syllabus - Yes?

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