Tuesday, September 28, 2010

time sure flies these days

It seems like just yesterday, I was starting a new semester without an advisor but it has been five weeks already. Classes are in full swing and I am already starting to feel the crunch as midterms (if there are going to be some) are only a short three weeks away. I wanted to stay ahead of the reading this semester, but that has not worked out so far. I can easily get swept away if I am not careful. Life as a grad student is not easy - not that I expected it to be but man, it is hard work keeping up with every professors requirements. I don't think I will be taking three classes next semester. This is just too much work and not enough time to devote to each class. I feel like I am cheating myself out of valuable knowledge by not having adequate time to study and absorb the materials. I am not sorry I took three classes this semester; I just now know that I am not going to do it again next semester. I am challenging myself in many areas this semester and that is good, but taxing on the nerves and confidence. I will survive - as I am not a quitter. I just need to regroup and go at it from another direction.

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