Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1 - Spring is Coming

Life is renewing in a few short weeks with the onset of Spring. Saying good-bye to this long snowy winter is something I am looking forward to. The only thing about Spring I would like to skip is all the Rain that tends to come with it here in the Midwest. Dogie door + two dogs (one little and one huge) + wet dirt = Muddy floors. OH MY! My puppy just turned one year old February 20, and she has there huge feet and hates my mop with a passion. Then again, she hates the broom, mop, vacuum, lawn mower, and garbage cans. I am sure she is looking forward to the swimming pool. Crazy dog loves water. Grand kids can go out in the back yard and play with the outside toys and sleep good at night for their parents. So looking forward to Spring.

The closer Spring gets, the closer we come to the end of another semester of school. That means, research projects come due, research papers are due, posters and presentations must happen and final testing of the disaster database must be successfully achieved. Pressure from many areas and the human instincts to put off tomorrow just to enjoy the sunshine that I have been deprived of all winter long.

I so need some warm weather and bright sunshine in my days to help me sleep at night and to feel renewed. Come on warm weather. Spring break is a mere 10 days away but there will be no Florida trip for me. Looks as if Wisconsin Dells wins this time. I hope they have sun up there in Wisconsin in March. I would so hate going up there and find cloudy over casted days and cold night. I can deal with the lower temps if the sun is shinning and I can get out in it for a few hours a day.

Oh well, soon we will be complaining of the extreme heat and needing to find some place that is air conditioned. Bring it on!!!!

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