Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1 - Spring is Coming

Life is renewing in a few short weeks with the onset of Spring. Saying good-bye to this long snowy winter is something I am looking forward to. The only thing about Spring I would like to skip is all the Rain that tends to come with it here in the Midwest. Dogie door + two dogs (one little and one huge) + wet dirt = Muddy floors. OH MY! My puppy just turned one year old February 20, and she has there huge feet and hates my mop with a passion. Then again, she hates the broom, mop, vacuum, lawn mower, and garbage cans. I am sure she is looking forward to the swimming pool. Crazy dog loves water. Grand kids can go out in the back yard and play with the outside toys and sleep good at night for their parents. So looking forward to Spring.

The closer Spring gets, the closer we come to the end of another semester of school. That means, research projects come due, research papers are due, posters and presentations must happen and final testing of the disaster database must be successfully achieved. Pressure from many areas and the human instincts to put off tomorrow just to enjoy the sunshine that I have been deprived of all winter long.

I so need some warm weather and bright sunshine in my days to help me sleep at night and to feel renewed. Come on warm weather. Spring break is a mere 10 days away but there will be no Florida trip for me. Looks as if Wisconsin Dells wins this time. I hope they have sun up there in Wisconsin in March. I would so hate going up there and find cloudy over casted days and cold night. I can deal with the lower temps if the sun is shinning and I can get out in it for a few hours a day.

Oh well, soon we will be complaining of the extreme heat and needing to find some place that is air conditioned. Bring it on!!!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Remember Alex Brown - Extream Makeover Jan 30, 2011

I watched Extreme Makeover Home Edition tonight and the team built a "green" home for a family that lost their daughter Alex to a fatal vehicle crash because she was texting and driving. I have to admit that I have attempted this myself but after seeing this episode, I have signed the pledge to not text and drive. I love their motto of live now text later. During the episode, the crowd was shown several times displaying a thumbs up with orange thumb rings made of rubber proudly displayed. I have google searched the Internet looking for any links that would point me to where I could purchase several of these bands. You would think that America would rally around this cause and that CBS would be prepared for the question, "Where can I get one of those thumb rings?".
Facebook Page - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Remembering-Alex-Brown-Stop-Textn-While-Driving/196020627075519?ref=ts&v=wall#!/pages/Remembering-Alex-Brown-Stop-Textn-While-Driving/196020627075519
I have "liked" the page within facebook and there too many people are asking the same question regarding the orange thumb bands. Why didn't someone anticipate these requests and have a link to donate to the cause and get a thumb band. Getting teens to sign this pledge is a great idea but it cannot stop there. I know people of all ages text now and just like anything else that takes our attention away from driving is a cause that should be highlighted and getting the public behind the cause is a great way to get legislation passed to support important causes.

Drinking a driving kills and obviously texting and driving kills as well. As a society, we need to be aware of how technology is negatively affecting our lives. Having laws that state you cannot drive and text will not solve this dilemma as we have seen that drinking and driving laws have done nothing - people still do it and still kill innocent people. Driving in the city of Chicago, they have a law that prohibits talking on a cell phone while driving, yet almost everyone still does it. What is it going to take to get people to use common sense and drive safely. Leave all the distractions behind until you can safely pull over and perform those necessary tasks.

Monday, January 24, 2011

New Semester, New Challenges

Well, the Spring semester is fully underway. It officially started last week with Professor Liles and the Independent Study. As usual, I am confused and wondering why did I sign up for this class. Well, I love the challenges that Liles throws at his students and I love the satisfaction of conquering the challenges. This semester even though I signed up for only two classes will challenge me on different levels. Liles class will make me doubt everything I know, everything I think I know and even the things I have no idea about. Professor Nicoai will be trying to challenge me in the programming arena. I have not wrote code in over fifteen years and now I have to tell her what my expertise is and the level of which I think I am at to her so she can assign me to a team. I really don't know how I will answer this question for her but I will.

Dropbox is a new concept for me as well. I finally got into the darn thing but still having to figure out where everything is stored and reviewing existing code to understand the project is my main focus this week. I am sure I will have plenty of questions and I really would love to learn SQL better and scripting. I think in the long run, this will be the most benefical to me.

I am going to try to keep from stressing out for the first month of classes, but I bet I do not make it that long. I may need therapy after I complete my masters degree. My daughter better hurry up and graduate so she can be in charge of that said therapy.

TaTa for now.