Sunday, August 29, 2010

Don't work harder, work smarter.

The goal of this semester is to work smarter so that I don't have to work harder. I have so much I want to accomplish this semester that I don't have time to waste working harder when all I have to do is work smarter. Organizing my study time against classroom time will enable me to begin to work smarter. Optimizing my study time will allow me the luxury to work around others schedules as some classroom work will require collaboration with fellow students. I have to believe in this method in order for it to be successful.. Demanding excellence from myself is what I do. I hate to fail and rarely do. However, when I do, I try to identify all the obstacles that I threw up that prevented me from succeeding. My failure is never any one's fault but my own and it is not an option.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Semester starts on Monday. I feel a little overwhelmed as I am scheduled for three classes that are extremely different. One in computer forensics, a database management class and the other has to do with quality control - i think. During this semester I will be blogging mostly on the progress I am making in these classes and updating my skill sets. It it going to be an intense semester but I am up for it.
Professor Liles, I hope you are up for this semester as well. Teaching and therapy will be a challenge for you as well. Best of luck to both of us.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hello World

Well, I have taken the first step in blogging. I created this site after much contemplation, not knowing where to begin, how to pick a name for my blog, and yet which layout to use. Over the course of the next several months, I will be attempting to refine my blogging and the design so please bare with me while I undergo this process and in discovering topics.